Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Wellington Hanggliding and Paragliding Club Inc
held at the Valley Club, Daly Street, Lower Hutt                                                                                           Index page
at 7.30pm on Tuesday 1st October 2002.

Guy Harding, Adrian Macnee, Grant Tatham, Terry O'Neill, Gary Steele, Kris Eriksen, Clive Waters, Richard Scmidt                                         
Apologies  Alex Charles, Ian Bowie, Colin Isles

Previous AGM Minutes  correct as read.
Moved: Terry O'Neill
Seconded: Kris Ericksen

Reports by:
President:  Terry O'Neill    
Report tabled. Mention of progress of individual club members, purchase of tandem glider, number of members new to sport.
Paragliding Safety Officer: Gary Steele 
Quiet year for PG, no accidents, PG WOF's possibly not completed.
Hanggliding Safety Officer :Fraser Bull
Not present. Most WOF's completed, no serious accidents.          
Secretary / Treasurer:           Grant Tatham
Distributed to the meeting copies of the Financial Summary for the year to 30 September 2002. Distributed copies of the Club budget for the past, current and following year. The financial year has seen the last of the Funding grant money spent. Current income is slightly more than expenditure, with the same result expected in the following year.
Newsletter / Publications:          Alex Charles
          Not present.

Election of Officers
President:                                          Guy Harding    (nom - Terry, sec - Grant)
Secretary / Treasurer:                  Grant Tatham  (nom - Terry, sec - Kris)
PGSO:                                              Colin Isles        (nom - Kris, sec - Gary)
HGSO:                                                 Fraser Bull       (nom - Terry, sec - Guy)
Airspace Officer:                               Kris Ericksen     (nom - Grant, sec - Gary)
NewsLetter /  Publications:              Kris Ericksen     (nom - Grant, sec - Gary)

Financial Budget 2002 - 2003
Budget for the coming year indicates a small increase in spending, but assuming a similar income, the balance should remain about the same, at about $3500

WestPac Trust (Helicopter) Donation

Amount budgeted is $200.00.
Motion to donate the same amount this year
Vote:  Unanimous                     

Peter Button Trophy:          Longest Cross Country over the year by local pilot, in club area.

          Recipient:          Grant Tatham. 

Flight from Dalefield along eastern side of ranges to  just short of Western Lake  44km.

Rick Vogel Trophy:          Commendable Activity within the Club

          Recipient:          Dual recipients! Terry O'Neill, Grant Tatham
          Nominee:          Kris, sec - Guy

Ice Eagle Trophy:          Most Improved Pilot

          Nominated: Clive Waters, Laurie Ross
          Recipient:          Clive Waters
          For flights attained, especially the day thermalling with no instruments at Kourarau, in Ventura.

Membership Fees:

After review of financial circumstances, decision was made to keep fees at currant level (mainly because fees had provisionally already been set at previous club meeting for National Association AGM.)
Provision was made for the fees to be revised down to $30 if the club bank balance remained above $3000 previous to next NZHGPA AGM.

AGM meeting closed at 9.30 pm.

General Business:
Tabling of VENTURA training glider rules, compiled by Grant Tatham. Discussion regards the option of letting anyone other than club pilots fly glider. This was decided against, because of cost and unlikely chances of recovering said cost if damage was to occur.
Agreement in setting fees to instructor and club members of $20 per day.
Motion to accept Ventura operating rules as written, after improvements as discussed.
Passed unanimously.

Discussion regards clearing a new takeoff below the lookout for northerly wind directions.
Craig Boswell to look into contacting Paraparaumu council.
Also, after a close call with a car exiting the track to the airstrip on the weekend, a suggestion was made that we look into placement of a convex mirror by the exit. This would be seen as a proactive move on our part for the landowner, Mr Memelink, as well as making it much safer for any drivers exiting the track.

The site was badly damaged by lightening awhile ago. Station is currently down off the hill. Discussion regards whether to put it back up. General feeling was that the risk of lightening damage was too high for a station at Climie.

Show to take place last weekend of Janurary. An offer to set up a static display has been received. Not much interest from members present. Grant Tatham has done this before, and found little interest or value in doing it.

Meeting closed  10.15pm

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